Norman Penguin

Privacy Statement

In order to make the adverts on this site show things that you might be interested in, third party vendors and Google use cookies which can provide an advert based on where you've been browsing before you got here.

These adverts are managed by Google and they use the CoubleClick cookies which is how they can taylor adverts based on your internet history, of this and any other site you've visited. If you wish to opt out of using these DoubleClick cookies for adverts on the internet, you can change your settings here.

If you are not entirely sure, you can get more information, go to This website collects anonamous information such as, how many people visit from which country and how long they visit for. This is purely to help me identify strenghts and weaknesses in my site. If people leave a second after arriving, I need to know so that I can sort out my page. If you or anyone else contacts me through this site, your email address/contact details will never be published or sold on to other parties.

This site has links to a Twitter account and if you interact with us using your account, your profile image and name may appear on our Twitter feed. Twitter is a third party service over which I have no control. If unsure, please check your account settings with Twitter. I also get told what percentage of you use Chrome, Internet Explorer and other ones I haven't heard, hardly state secret stuff.

If you are at all unsure, goodbye...sorry no come back!